
I buy houses, yes thats right WE BUY HOUSES.

I know you have seen the little signs on the side of the road it seems at every corner and as they do seem to get on your nerves they actually do work.

I have done something a little different, I have decided to advertise on my radio show and on the network where my show is heard that I buy houses, and I did not stop there as I have decided to give a “reward” to those who bring me deals.

Now let me explain, we have asked that if you know someone who needs to sell their house or if they have inherited a house that needs a lot of work (tens of thousands of dollars) and either they can’t afford or just don’t want to risk their money on the renovation then just contact us.

I also ask if you are driving around a notice a vacant or very run down house in a neighborhood where the houses are well kept, then call us with the address and if we buy it (close on it) then we will pay $500.00 to whoever brings us the deal, it is that simple.

This seems to be working well so far, we have 3 leads in the works with others coming in every day. In this market you have to try anything that will give you the edge and as the real estate market continues to improve it will become harder and harder to find the deals on a consitance basis.

Like any other business you need your own edge over the competition, if you settle for the same old results that every other business is getting, then your future and success is not in your hands, it will be in the hands of those really successful business owners who have picked through the best and left you the rest.

Be bold, be creative, just do whatever it takes to be the best in your business.


Duane Cotton

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Duane Cotton