Duane Cotton – My story  

I wanted to share my story – where I have been and where I am going.  What you do today will determine your tomorrow.  

Growing up I had a good life.  But I was feeling insignificant from an early age of about 10-11 years old.  I had a lot of friends growing up, however I was never the star athlete or had a lot of girlfriends.  

It really started with a car at age 13 years old.  The car that changed my life… And now I am having a book written about and will be released hopefully November 2017.  I always knew I was going to work for myself.  

I am recording this podcast from Orlando at my hotel.  There has always been a desire to change where I was in life.  Before I met my wife, before kids and the house I knew I was not going to go to college.  My decision to not go to college was not going to determine my success.  I knew it was going to be hard but I knew that I wanted more.  That was not going to define my future or my success.  

For whatever reason heating and air conditioning appealed to me.  Growing up after the cartoon shows were over I remember watching Bob Villa and the home improvement shows.  

Now we have access to  information more ever before… Use this time to educate yourself and to learn from others.  I actually saw the future by watching someone else working with their hands and their tools.  

I took an opportunity that I had been looking for and ran with it.  I look back and worked for that first company for 10 years.  In May 2000, I started my first company.   

Many people never take advantage of the opportunities in front of them.  You have to be willing to see those opportunities.  Mainly I learned by watching people.  

I don’t want to be comfortable.  I want to be successful.  The worst feeling in the world is seeing someone you love in a bad situation.  I want to be able to offer opportunities and help lessen the stress for others.  I want to life the life I want to live, and then to take my opportunities to help others.  

I want to share my story with podcast and videos.  I can’t wait for the book to be released.  It took me 30 years to get where I am today and want to help others get there faster than me.  I should have been telling my story years ago.  

I believe now is my time to tell my story… and I hope you will want to listen.  Let me know what you think!  Share my story to help me reach and motivate more people.  

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Duane Cotton