
The time is almost here! I have been planning this new Podcast idea for just a little over 2 years now and I am excited it is almost here. This podcast will be different then most, it will not be the very predictable style substance that is being broadcast today. I will have guest on some of the shows and the rest will be solo, with the first hand stories of starting, growing and running a very successful business in todays new economy.

I will explain how I went from working for someone else to getting started with one truck, and 7 years later selling my 7 figure business. A step by step method for growing and dominating your market. I will really get into specifics on how service companies can get more clients and retain them for years, it is system I am putting together now called “How to become service savvy” This course will go into detail on what you need to do to become a leader in the service business, and how to beat your competitors out of clients every time.

I will also talk about the ways to keep your positive attitude in life even after the motivational sugar high runs out! I am also putting together a study guide for this as well titled, “A limited mindset is a limited life” How to learn strategies that will get you to the next level. And of course a little real estate investing will be in there too.

I will publish the release soon. We all are going to have a awesome 2016, as long as you are willing to make the changes that are needed.

Happy New Year!

Duane Cotton

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Duane Cotton